Bal flash meet building requirements for bushfire zone areas BAL FZ is best

Aztec BAL Rated Products

BAL Rated Products


Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) is a means of measuring the severity of a building’s potential exposure to ember attack, radiant heat and direct flame contact. It’s measured in increments of radiant heat (expressed in kilowatts/m2).


Over three years ago Aztec chose to develop a BAL rated Roof kit to offer a solution to installers offering a system that will comply in BAL rated zoned areas and up to and including a BAL 40 rating. After a long-drawn-out process and continuous improvements, we are proud to present a Roof flashing system covering all bushfire rated zones up to a BAL 40. This will ensure a watertight seal for your roof in bushfire zoned areas. This has been achieved through meeting the AS1530.8.1-2018 required testing result with the CSIRO. The full range of Aztec BAL rated products are now available for purchase. Visit our BAL rated product range page on our website for more detail about our range of BAL rated products. Our team at Aztec believes in testing our products, to provide the best quality and peace of mind to our customers. Our product has gone through rigorous testing multiple times and came out on top. Our team at Aztec Australasia believes in the transparency of the testing process and we care for our customer’s safety. With this product, we aim to be the leader for innovation in the area of Bushfire Attack Level and plan to educate our customers and spread awareness regarding its importance.

Australian supplier of CSIRO certified fire bal building products

BAL Flash is part of the
Aztec Range of Sub Brands.

Australian supplier of top rated fire bal building products
AS1530.8 -2018 compliant bush fire protection bal flash 40
See Our BAL Rated Products

Features and Benefits

      √       Kits suitable for all roof pipe penetrations and sizes

      √       100% Aussie Compliant with AS1530.8.1-2018

      √       Easy and quick to install

      √       All kits compliant up to BAL 40 – just add the pipe

       √      Peace of mind – Aztec has you covered

       √      Base Flexibility. The base is designed to form a seal on most roof profiles and roof pitches                          regardless of pipe location

       √      Perfectly designed to ensure a watertight seal

       √      Pipe diameters can be seen clearly for a proper pipe fit

       √      Ozone and UV protection

BAL Flashing Product Range

Check out our full product range brochures for BAL Flash and more product ranges